One State Solution.

Arguments and art made to soften the borders between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

New ideas September 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Genteel Goret @ 12:00 pm

Happy 72nd Independence day !! To usher this new Independence day in I give you some insights into my forays.

As an Indian Muslim I have moved to Hyderabad once, following in the footsteps of my great-grand-father, who of course moved during Partition.My move was of a similiar nature , being a young aspiring to be independent woman fraught with various issues.

I moved to Gujarat to get an education.I stayed and tried working on the communalism there.

I moved to Delhi to explore the possibility of being a strong independent working woman.

I moved to Kolkata as a last resort.

I explored the possibility of moving to Bangladesh, fantasylike, my mind contemplating bus and train rides…

In a country where Muslims are increasingly kept under an absentee status, I wonder where else I will have to take my tired body.Do share your stories…







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