One State Solution.

Arguments and art made to soften the borders between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

celebrating the day we hit 1000! May 29, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Genteel Goret @ 11:42 pm

And it is today.

This blog was seen.And it was seen one thousand times.That is hope.


3 Responses to “celebrating the day we hit 1000!”

  1. AMITABHA Says:

    its great….
    great that we r growing…soon it will be 10000..then 100000…and so on…
    so be it…..

  2. aapke mun mein ghee shakkar!

  3. Sunny Says:

    One state solution is a great idea, but many people are afraid of bringing it up to the mainstream media. The two-state solution was a mess, which led to the creation of Bangladesh but hatred grows as more and more days go by. I am for one supporting this movement and I hope the support for this grows which will promote peace and unity among us Desis. By the way I’m from Bangladesh.

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